

What We Can Do To Create The Future Together








I recently saw the popular Indian movie "RRR" and also saw an article about a foreign YouTuber who uploaded a video threatening passengers on a train.

I will not reveal what kind of video was played, but it was so bad.

And we would like to make a statement in response to it in Japanese and English.

Please note that we use DeepL for translation.



 確かに、あなたの言うとおり、日本人は正式な宣戦布告も無しに真珠湾を攻撃し、南京や重慶の一般市民を虐殺し、朝鮮半島の人のアイデンティティを一方的に奪い、そしてアジアの人々を虐げてきました。  この罪は日本の罪であり、将来にわたって日本人が抱えていかなければいけない罪です。罪深い我々を断罪するためには、英国や米国で作られ七つの海を渡ってき銃弾一発ですらもったいないでしょう。日本人を断罪するには日本の木を切って作った丸太で十分です。でも、あなたがお望みなら核も甘んじて投下されなければいけないし、三発目を落とされてなお、日本人の罪は消えません。その罪は日本人の絶滅を以て償うしかないかもしれないでしょう。


 戦後の日本人は、常に罪の意識を抱えて生きてきました。私が通っていた中学校では広島に修学旅行に行き、原爆の被害と共に侵略の歴史を教えられてきました。そして、今なお日本の多くの人々はアジアの人々を蔑視し、人間扱いしていません。  ですが、あなたたちヨーロッパのキリスト教徒である白人もアジアやアフリカの人たちに対して日本人が他のアジアの人に行ったような罪と同じ罪を犯してきたことも覚えておいてください。私はつい最近、RRRという映画を見てきました。この映画では劇中の「ナートゥ・ナートゥ」のシーンのロケ地がウクライナの大統領公邸であるマリインシキー宮殿で行われていたのですが、それ以上に私が衝撃を受けたのはイギリスの総督がゴーンド人の子どもをさらい、インド人を人間扱いしないで虐げる姿でした。

 そして、この映画のロケ地であるウクライナで起こっていることに、私は驚きを隠せませんでした。同じキリスト教徒の白人同士でありながらウクライナの子どもたちがロシアに誘拐され、親とウクライナ人というアイデンティティから切り離され、ロシア人に強制同化させられようとしているのです。映画の中で文明的な白人キリスト教徒が非文明的なインド人を虐げている光景が、同じキリスト教徒の白人同士で起こっているのです。この光景を見てもなお、ロシアに「ナチスを打倒する」という大義を与えられますか?  今、ウクライナにはウクライナ人の命を守るため、英国からストームシャドーと呼ばれる一発1.5億円に相当する「英国の工場で作られ、七つの海を渡ってきた武器」が供与されているのです。日本に核を落としてしまったら、ウクライナ人の命を護るために投じられた1.5億円を投じた意味が皆無になってしまうことを忘れてはなりません。





Інокашираська‚ Луiза-шарлотта Йосифівна

English text

Let me say a few words to this YouTuber and to the rest of the world.

You are right, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor without a formal declaration of war, massacred civilians in Nanking and Chongqing, unilaterally deprived the Korean Peninsula of its identity, and oppressed the people of Asia.

These are the sins of Japan, and they are sins that the Japanese people will have to live with for the future. It would be a waste of even a single bullet made in England or the U.S. and sent across the seven seas to condemn us for our sins. A log cut from a Japanese tree is enough to condemn the Japanese. But if you wish, you must be willing to drop a nuclear bomb on us, and the third one will not erase the sins of the Japanese people. The Japanese people's sins will not be erased even after the third nuclear bomb is dropped, and they may have to atone for their sins by exterminating the Japanese people.

But that "extermination" would give Russia a cause to drop nukes on "the Nazis who run Kyiv" and China to drop nukes on "the traitors who are plotting Taiwan's independence and trying to destroy China" and kill them unilaterally. It would justify Russian oppressors killing Ukrainians, who are white Christian believers, Europeans, and Americans. Of course, it also endorses what China has done in Uyghur, Mongolia, Tibet, and will do in Taiwan.

Postwar Japanese have always lived with a sense of guilt. In my junior high school, we went on a school trip to Hiroshima and were taught the history of the invasion along with the damage caused by the atomic bomb. And even today, many people in Japan despise Asian people and do not treat them as human beings.

But please remember that you white European Christians have committed the same sins against Asian and African peoples as the Japanese have committed against other Asian peoples. I just recently saw a movie called RRR. In this movie, the location for the "Natu Natu" scene in the play took place in the Mariinsky Palace, the official residence of the President of Ukraine, but what shocked me more was the way the British Governor kidnapped Gond children and mistreated Indians without treating them as human beings.

And I could not hide my surprise at what was happening in Ukraine, where the film was shot. Ukrainian children are being kidnapped by the Russians and separated from their parents and their Ukrainian identity and forced to assimilate into the Russian people, even though they are fellow white Christians. The spectacle of civilized white Christians oppressing non-civilized Indians in the film is happening to other white people who are also Christians. Can you still give Russia the cause of "overthrowing the Nazis" after this spectacle?

Right now, Ukraine is being provided by Britain with "weapons made in British factories and shipped across the seven seas" worth 150 million yen a shot, called Storm Shadows, to protect the lives of Ukrainians. We must not forget that if nuclear weapons are dropped on Japan, the 150 million yen invested to protect the lives of Ukrainians will have no meaning at all.

Therefore, what you must do now is to repent for your own sins committed by your ancestors in the past and forgive them for the sins they have committed. Then, you must confront the sins that are being committed now. The Japanese must repent more than ever for the sins of the previous world wars committed by their ancestors. At the same time, white Christians and everyone else must repent of the sins of their ancestors and forgive the sins of the Japanese people.

Repenting for our sins but forgiving each other and building a future together will send a strong message to Russia. Ukraine cannot escape responsibility for the violations of international law committed by its side, but for this Ukraine, being fair, must triumph over the tyranny of Russia.

I want a peaceful world where we are free and respected as each other, where we forgive each other for our sins, and where we can build a better future for each other. That is why I must shout these words now.

Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to all the heroes of the world who fight for freedom and democracy!

Louisa-charlotte Iosifivna Inokashiraska